Housing Services
We subscribe to the evidence-based practice "housing first" model by providing community-based linkages to housing. We provide linkages to both interim and permanent housing as well as housing navigation and prevention services. We specialize in housing placement and stabilization to holistically approach the client through: homelessness and eviction prevention, move-in assistance, short to medium term rental assistance and permanent supportive housing.

Permanent Supportive Housing Development
Prison Reform Project has plans to develop Permanent Supportive Housing units that will provide onsite intensive case management services with the possibility of becoming homeowners for those who can qualify. Clients that have a history of high utilization of county mental or healthcare services. Onsite intensive case management services help to reduce barriers and support residence where they need it the most, at home.

Time Limited Subsidy (TLS) formerly known as Rapid Rehousing (RRH)
TLS provides short-term rental to long-term rental assistance and services. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and retain housing. It is offered those with the goal to obtain and sustain the available resources provided to them which is tailored to the needs of the client.

Eviction Prevention
​Eviction Prevention Programs assist individuals and/or families who are at risk of homelessness to maintain existing housing and/or secure new permanent housing without entering the system of care. Those who qualify must be at imminent risk of homelessness and are supported through housing location services (as applicable), financial assistance for past due rent and/or rental subsidies, housing search, and placement assistance.

Permanent Supportive Housing
This program targets our most chronically homeless individuals who were identified by their frequent use of county mental and/or health care services. These clients are high acuity clients identified through the Coordinated Entry System (CES) that are in need of intensive case management services. Clients attached to permanent supportive housing programs receive permanent supportive housing vouchers and lifelong case management services. Vouchers can be utilized throughout the county or housing sites with case management support.

Housing Navigation
Housing Navigation is linked to homeless participants enrolled into Interim Housing to help move clients towards the goal of permanent housing. Participants are provided with a wide range of services and linkages in order to identify units while also being afforded the opportunity of move-in assistance. The program works in collaboration with the Coordinated Entry System.

A Bridge Move-In Assistance
Move-In assistance is offered through various programs. If attached to case management support, PRP staff advocates on behalf of client to obtain financial support through available avenues. The areas in which move-in assistance can cover are security deposit, first month's rent, arrears in order to obtain housing, and/or furniture/appliance support. Individuals/families do not need to be linked to a program to obtain move-in assistance.